Truth and Reconciliation for Better Health

TRCC Calls to Action

WARNING: This page contains links with details some readers may find distressing.

I dedicate this website to all First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples in Canada who are living with multiple chronic illnesses. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has created Calls to Actions "to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation," including health calls to action.

The TRCC states "Reconciliation is an ongoing individual and collective process, and will require commitment from all those affected including First Nations, Inuit and Métis former Indian Residential School (IRS) students, their families, communities, religious entities, former school employees, government and the people of Canada."

I live with Type 1 Diabetes, Celiac Disease, and Depression and Anxiety. Diabetes and Depression impact indigenous people in Canada at disproportionately higher rates than in other populations.

Read this CBC article on how one couple uses chalk art to talk to their daughter about the discovery at Kamloops residential school. It is an inspirational example of how we can heal from trauma through art.

I am Métis. So, I have learned that I need to deal with the historical trauma of colonization and the resulting intergenerational trauma in my family as an integral part of my journey to better health. I am sharing my personal truths and my personal reconciliations with multiple diseases. My journey is my own, but I hope sharing my struggles and successes can help other people.