The Try Rule Helps to Deal Well with Multiple Illnesses

Why I Use the Try Rule for Coping with Health Conditions

I use the word try because it puts less pressure on me when managing my Diabetes, Celiac Disease, Depression and Anxiety. I learned about the power of words from Elder Gary Robson. He said that our words are like medicine. They can heal us or they can hurt us. Therefore, I try to be mindful of the words I use when coping with my health conditions. If I try something new, such as a new exercise routine, I may fail or I may succeed, but either way I persevere. 'Trying' a new exercise routine gives me the courage to do more. 'Trying' gives me the ability to come out of my comfort zone, to face adversity and to grow. I am more likely to exercise, if I focus on 'trying' it just for today, instead of stating "I will do it every day for the next month." When I focus on 'trying' instead of 'doing' I end up exercising more often in the month. The words I use in my self-talk are medicine.

Good Heart Living Guide: 10 Ways to Cope with Multiple Illnesses

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"Thank you for including spiritual ways to deal with illness. It reflects what is important to me."

Louise M.

"Great website to learn how to take care of my wife who lives with Diabetes and Depression."

Tim M.